Research Interests

Selected References

Research Projects

Group Members








 Current Members



·          Charles Dal Castel, Polyolefin clay nanocomposites (visiting PhD student from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, co-supervision with Prof. R. Mauler)


·          Malik Jehan Zeb Khurram, Accelerated degradation mechanism in polyethylene (visiting PhD student from Gomal University, Pakistan)


·          Barbara Guettler, Preparation and use of spent soy flakes in polypropylene compounding, (co-supervision with Prof. C. Moresoli)


·          Rois Fatoni, Modeling formulations in thermoplastic-straw composites (co supervision with Prof. A. Elkamel)


·          Diogenes Vedoy, Thermo-chemical modification of natural fibers



·          Andrew Finkle, Nanocellulose polymer composites


·          Manoel Lisboa da Silva Neto, Polyolefin nanocomposites


·          Aziz Ahmed, Optimization of barrier properties in thermoplastic nanocomposite films (co-supervision with Prof. A. Elkamel)


Post-doc Fellows

·          Dr. Ravindra Reddy, Chemical modification of nanoparticles


·          Dr. Sang-Young Anthony Shin, Advanced polyolefins (co-supervision with Prof. J. Soares)




Past Members



·          Abolfazl Maneshi, PhD, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2010, In-Situ Ethylene Polymerization with Organoclay-Supported Metallocenes for the Preparation of Polyethylene-Clay Nanocomposites, co-supervision with Joao B. P. Soares

·          Sang-Young Anthony Shin, PhD,  Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2007, In-Situ Polymerization and Characterization of Polyethylene-Clay Nanocomposites,

·          Mamdouh Al-Harthi, PhD, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2007, Modeling of Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization, co-supervision with Joao B. P. Soares

·          Sa-ad Riyajan, PhD, Department of Chemistry, Mahidol University, 2006, Thailand, Chemical Modification, Characterization, and Properties of Natural Rubber, co-supervision (2005) with Jitladda T. Sakdapipanich.

·          Abdolah Omrani, PhD, Institute of Chemistry, University of Mazandaram, 2005, Babolzar, Iran, Kinetic and Mechanism of Metal-Imidazol in Epoxide Polymerization, co-supervision (2004-2005) with Abbas Rostami.



·          A. Pouyan Sardashti, MASc, Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2009, Wheat Straw-Clay-Polypropylene Hybrid Composites

·          Barbara Guettler, MASc, Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Soy–Polypropylene Biocomposites for Automotive Applications, 2009, co-supervised with Christine Moresoli

·          Zena S.-N. Ng, MASc, Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2008, Bulk Orientation of Agricultural Filler-Polypropylene Composites

·          Mahsa Golbabaie, MSc, Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph, Characterization of Ontario Crop Fibers for Use in Biocomposites (Wheat and Soybean) 2008, co-supervised (2005-2008) with Larry Erickson.

·          Paula K. Kruger, MASc, Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2007, Wheat Straw-Polypropylene Composites

·          Aaron C.-K. Law, MASc, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo, Jan 2007, Creep Deformation and Thermal Aging of Random Glass-Mat Polypropylene Composite, co-supervised (2006-2007) with Pearl Sullivan.

·          Feng Lin, MASc, Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 2006, Preparation and Characterization of Polymer TiO2 Nanocomposites via In-situ Polymerization.

·          Mohammad A. Al-Saleh, MASc, Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Sep 2004 - Aug 2006, Modeling Olefin Polymerization Using Monte Carlo Simulation: Detailed Comonomer Distribution.

·          Xi Zhang, MASc, Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Aug 2004, In-situ Polymerization and Characterization of Polyethylene Nano-Alumina Powder Composite.

·          Sumit Kundu, MASc, Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Jun 2004, Structure-Property-Performance Relationships in Fuel Cell Materials, co-supervised (2002-2004) with Michael W. Fowler.


Sabbatical Visitors

·          Professor Dr. Patricia Heiden, Michigan Technology University

·          Professor Dr. Xinyan Xiao, South China University of Technology



Post-doc Fellows

·          Dr. Monica Haag (with Prof. J. Soares)

·          Dr. Subhash Chandra Mojumdar (with Prof. R. Legge and Prof. C. Moresoli)


Research Associates

·          Amyrpouyan Sardashti

·          Aiat Elfoly

·          Manal Hessein

·          Alaa Saleh

·          Mercy P. Bulsari

·          Diogenes VedoyResearch

·          Paula K. Kruger

·          Maria Nelly

·          Fabio Mota

·          Xi Zhang


Undergraduate Research Assistants

·          Fei Hua Li

·          Farnaz Niroui

·          Lily Lai Chi So

·          Zakiul Khan

·          Uzair Chudani

·          Jason Kuo

·          Andrea Schoeller

·          Andrew Yeh

·          Kiyoun (Michelle) Park

·          Eddie Tsai

·          Andrew Finkle

·          Shabnam Zolfaghari

·          Michael Ng

·          David Schmidt

·          Igor Todorovic

·          Zayan Hafeez

·          Christoph Nacke

·          Rahul Chitrapu

·          Nixon Xavier

·          Long-Chun

·          Edward Gobran

·          Nicolas Lecomte

·          Amirpouyan Sardashti

·          Geoffrey Liu

·          Chum Lo

·          Ada Zacaj

·          Chumangalah Thirmal

·          Abishek Narayan

·          Christian Williams

·          Harish Patel