- Current Courses

- 4th Year Project












Topics in Polymer Science and Engineering: Characterization of Polymers (CHE 740) (F2007 )
It was developed to attend the demand in the Faculty of Engineering. Developed and offered first time Fall 2007, attended by students from Chem Eng, Elec & Comp Eng, Mech & Mechatr Eng.
Course Outline: introd to polymer structure, characterization of molecular weight and chemical structure using spectroscopy (FTIR and NMR); introd to polymer morphology, characterization of crystallinity (XRD); characterization of thermal properties (TGA, DSC); characterization of mechanical properties (stress strain analysis, DMTA).
Rational: to provide engineers adequate information for characterization of chemical and physical properties of polymer materials with understanding of fundamental principles and practical aspects of different methods of analysis.



Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering � NE 125
(W2006, W2007)

Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering - CHE 39
(S2004, W2005, W2006, W2007)
Introduction to materials science, materials, and properties. Crystalline structures, systems and lattices in crystalline phases. X-ray diffraction. Crystal defects non-crystalline structure. Amorphous phase. Microscopy. Mechanical properties, stress versus strain, elastic and plastic deformation. Creep and stress relaxation. Failure analysis and prevention, fracture toughness, fatigue. Thermal and electrical properties. Types of metals, ceramics, polymers and composites. Selection of structural materials. Impact of materials in the environment, recycling, renewable structural materials, environmental and economical aspects of design.



Transport Process 3 - CHE 30 (Heat Transfer)
(S2002, S2003, S2004)
Fundamentals of heat transfer: steady and transient conduction; convection; radiation. Heat transfer with change of phase. Analogies between momentum and heat transfer; dimensional analysis. Boiling and condensation. Applications to engineering problems and heat exchanger design.

 Inorganic Environmental Process Principles � ENVE 231
(F2002, S2003, F2003, S2004)
Atomic theory, bonding, stereochemistry and transition metal chemistry as related to catalysis and pollution abatement. Some thermodynamic aspects of inorganic chemistry, stability of metal complexes and complexes ions in solution. Principles and applications of atomic and molecular structure to environmental chemistry and engineering. Selected inorganic chemical processes of industrial importance.

Chemistry for Engineers - CHE102
(F2003, F2004, F2005, F2006)